Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Problem with Ribbon Hair ties

Hello again!

Let's begin by talking about these things:
(Picture from Girly Obsessions: )

Ribbon Hair ties. What we all thought was the most brilliant thing ever- until they met me.
 Here's a little background, My mom and myself have pretty much the finest hair ever. It's slippery as can be, even when it's "dirty", and even though I have a great deal of hair on my head, the individual strands are suuuuper thin. (I get a lot of compliments from people saying that my hair is "SOOO SOFT!" and "How did you get it so soft?" Baby, I was BORN this way.)
One of the things that makes these ribbon hairties so popular is the claim that "they don't leave that stupid dent in your hair". Ha. Haha. Ahahaha. When you hair is as slippery as mine you have to stretch the poop out of these little hairties just in hopes that they'll stay for a few minutes. No dents? Ah, no. This is pretty dented hair if you ask me.
Second, you see that little tail and knot there? Well, I don't know about you, but when I'm wearing a low ponytail just to keep my locks out of my face while I'm doing a tricky dance number, I don't really want the ends of an elastic poking me in the neck.
Third, Why are these so expensive? I know you can make them yourself, but honestly, $3 for a five-pack? And this is at wal-mart, I'm scared to see the prices elsewhere!
Anyways, that's my opinion. In case you're wondering what type of hairties I do like, I'm quite fond of these;

Goody's Stay Put brand. They're wrapped with rubber, so they don't slip around, even in my hair. They also have an abundance of colors, not just black.
So there's my post on hair ties. :P I hope you enjoyed! See you tomorrow!
Thanks for reading, Muzzy

1 comment:

  1. I have very strong opinions on hair accessories. I've never had those specific hair doodads but I really like the Goody brand Ouchless elastics with no metal pieces. They come in lots of colors. :D


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